Department of Home Affairs Newsletter no. 58

Topics for this newsletter

  1. Cyber Security online information session – 15 December 2022 at 5:30pm
  2. COVID-19 Information – State Government information
  3. Australia’s 2023-24 permanent Migration Program – submissions open
  4. Order of Australia Toolkit
  5. Australian Values Panel Discussion
  6. Safe and Together Community Grants Program – Closes 12 January 2023


  1. Cyber Security Online Information session – 15 December 2022, 5:30pm.

The acting Regional Director SA, Ms Josephine Lamshed, and Mr Nick Sincock, acting Director Cyber and Infrastructure Security Outreach, invite you to join a session on effective ways to boost your cyber security.  We hope this information will be useful to you and your communities. Your invitation was sent on 7 December 2022, the online meeting link can be found there. Please check your inbox or contact for details.

  1. COVID-19 Information – State Government Information

Please find attached SA Health communications from 29 November on COVID-19 covering:

  • Free rapid antigen tests
  • Closure of dedicated PCR testing sites
  • Vaccination records before travel
  1. Australia’s 2023-24 permanent Migration Program – submissions open

Australia’s Permanent Migration Program (Migration Program) aims to balance a range of economic, social and demographic objectives and priorities, while focusing on Australia’s longer-term national interests. As part of our annual consultation process, we are pleased to invite public submissions to inform the planning of the Migration Program for 2023-24.​

Questions for consideration:

  • What is the ideal size and composition of the 2023-24 permanent Migration Program? And why?
  • How can we improve our migration planning process so Australia remains attractive to prospective migrants in against the backdrop of widespread workforce shortages and aging populations across migrant-receiving countries?

Further information can be found at: Australia’s 2022-23 Migration Program ( Submissions need to be received by close of business 9 January 2023.

 *A reminder that the Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon. Clare O’Neil MP, announced a comprehensive review of Australia’s migration system and that the review is accepting written submissions. If you would like to provide a submission you must do so by 15 December 2022. For more information please go to: A Migration System for Australia’s Future (

  1. Order of Australia Toolkit

Do you know someone from your community who makes a positive difference? Has served selflessly and whose achievements contribute to our collective strength? The Order of Australia is uniquely Australian – it relies on nominations by Australians for Australians. From community volunteers to entrepreneurs, from artists to educators, all Australians are eligible for an Order of Australia award or appointment. For further information including how to nominate someone and the selection process go to: Order of Australia Toolkit.pdf (

  1. Australian Values

A new video series titled ‘Australian Values Panel Discussion’ has been published. The panel discussion includes five respected interfaith, community and business leaders from diverse backgrounds discussing what it means to be Australian, the importance of Australia’s values and the benefits of working together to build resilient communities. The video series aims to promote social cohesion and intercultural harmony.

The 20 minute video has been published on a number of social media platforms and is available in English with sub-titles (Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese and Arabic).

We encourage you to share the ‘Australian Values Panel Discussion’ videos with your community. SA Community Engagement are always open to feedback and ideas.

  1. Safe and Together Community Grants Program

A reminder that Round 1 of the Safe and Together Community Grants Program is now open on the GrantConnect website: Current Grant Opportunity View – GO5868: GrantConnect ( The grant application form must be submitted by 9:00 pm (AEST) on 12 January 2023. A recording of the community information session is available at Countering violent extremism (

Contact us

Thank you for helping to keep your communities safe and informed. Please share this email with your communities, but do not make any alterations.

Ensuring we remain connected with your communities continues to be a high priority for the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Government. Your feedback is vital to the Department and informs policy, decision making and government messaging. Please continue to pass your concerns and questions to us. This may cover:

  • Instances of misinformation or scams targeting your community – are there any resources you wish you had access to?
  • Ideas you have for the Australian Values social media channels
  • Ideas for Rapt! and Fearlessly Australian podcasts/ video casts
  • Any emerging community issues.


A/g Regional Director: Josephine Lamshed

Community Engagement Team: Michelle Taylor, Claire Markou, Minerva Nasser-Eddine, Yan-shi Ko and Lisa Maloney

SA Community Engagement

Department of Home Affairs
